Greenville is found within an illustrious urban-dwelling area along Lorong Batu Kawa 3. The residence aptly lies just behind Jalan Batu Kawa, which is linked to Jalan Keretapi in the east; and in short distance, connected to Green Road in the north. And therefore by locality, the traffic on roads is evenly spreading out most of the time. All facilities such as schools, shops, clinics, banks, restaurants, and recreational centres are easily accessible. It is a welcoming landscape.
Though situated within a busy metropolitan area, the Greenville’s splendid houses are just as ideally withdrawn from an incessantly hectic and restless pace of activities. This is a place to achieve a balanced way of life experiences and an optimal choice of a gentle, poised and unruffled lifestyle. This is also a place essentially to get truly in touch with timeless heritage and moments of reflections from the innermost senses.
In addition, the stately Greenville’s simple and modernized style of building and design displays a feel of quietness, serenity and peacefulness. Immaculately sculpted to fine details, its architectural strength is in no doubt exhibiting a grandeur of aesthetic senses. This is a residence that truly offers a you remarkable home and living environment with a deep sense of belonging.
Greenville 人傑地靈的石角路第3巷,南鄰石角路,北接青草路,東依火車路,占據優越地理位置, 交通暢達八方, 十分鐘車程距離之內,學府、商務、醫院、銀行、餐飲、購物、娛樂 應有盡有。
雖坐處都市,郤藏鋒繁華,隱退浮躁,對講求中庸之道的睿智人士而言,積淀 而得的人生閱歷,將對家園的眷戀,娓娓傳承,是內心永遠的歸屬。
此外,Greenville 的現代簡約主義風格,展現出寧靜、平和、安詳的心靈居所。建築肌理沉穩貴氣,流線考究,建築局部細節精雕,體現親和的知性與品位,見證了傳世的尊貴與浪漫。Greenville 是一個難得的筑品,她給您的不只是房子,而是生活的感動。
Google Map Location: https://g.page/greenville5-kuching
Google Street View: https://goo.gl/maps/sTR4JJafBJn8KN298